Thursday, July 29, 2010

Me time today...well as much as I can get!

umm...I just finished a Tazo Awake breakfast be honest it's a bit bold for me. I added some natural honey from my darling honey bear. It made it taste yummy but after I had a slight upset tummy :/ Well, Awake was the last one in the assorted Teas but I better watch out for those bold ones!! Green tea gets me as well..odd!!??

YAY...I just love being the one to give Vira and Bentley (my yorkies) their treats in the mornings! They truly look forward to it. The morning is my fav part of the day with them because we get up and go outside for them to relieve themselves. The weather is always perferfect....not hot but he suns out and there is a slight cool wet breeze in the air. You could only find it near the ocean <3> clay mask and exfoliated my whole body! I also organized the room a bit and did some laundry...ahh, accomplishment :) oh, and I also drank some Pysllium Husks for detox purposes...I must say, considering my "bad" eating yesterday I did wonderful consuming enough water!

As soon as the puppies close their precious eyes I will be leaving the house to full fill some much needed "me time". I really wanted to go to Sally's beauty Supplies and the shops near by in hopes of finding the perfect nail polish!! I really wanted to get my nails done but I'm not sure if that's an option with time and money!? It would be divine and such a treat if I do :) I will also need to buy a red bull...I'm going to need the energy! I'm going to make myself do some cardio of some sort today!! I'm finishing up on laundry....Oh geesh that just reminded me!!! I'm going to clean the bathroom today!!! That's a little workout in it's self!! I should also pick up dog poo in the backyard...look on the bright side! Another fab workout and you get a bit of sun!!
okay so...

-nail Polish
-finish laundry
-buy red bull
-pick up dog poo
-clean bathroom
-drink tons of water
manie & pedie ???

*edit* UPDATE
I took the 309 bus and went shopping!!! Bargain Shopping that's completely insane what you can find if you take the time to look and get creative! I went to big lots, Good Fellas, and Rite Aid...and for those of you who want to bash, you must try it will be pleasantly surprised! I have been telling Taylor (hubby) how I desperately want a cute grocery recyclable tote bag (you know, the "green" grocery bags". Anyways, I found the most adorable gold/silver fuax snake skin tote with a tiny matching make-up/ coin case!! It's perfect and I plan on making embellishments to it and personalize is "Chlesea style". I then found the coolest concept in a bracelet I have seen in a know those "Mexican religious wood bracelets" everyone and their family is rocking!? Well I found this one made from plastic but it's all bright colors with glitter and hearts!! It's brilliant! Fits the mood I'm feeling lately!! Then I found this precious slip for 5$! It's a fuchsia pink with lace and leaped...everything I'm lovin at the moment! To top it all of I found the most amazing nail polish!!! It's not pale Tiffany's blue but it's still fab. I searched and searched store to store and then wham! It had me hooked! It's electric fuchsia...very 80's :) Can't wait to rock it! The cherry on top is that everything I bought today just happened to look great together...weird!! I plan on doing a's just to fantastic not to capture!

My dad, the kids and I all went to the library...I wanted to check a ton of books out but I didn't have enough time :( Luckily I grabbed a ton of fashion and gossip mags to get inspiration from! I hope I can cut a few pages out that grab my creative mind for an inspiration board...I'm sure they would never notice..hehe!!??
My Dad bought me a giant Red Bull...Yikers, that equals like 4 and a 1/2 today...time to stop :/ Well, on the bright side I'm at least paying attention to it :) It's a start!!

I'm going to go clean the bathroom...I love when all my darling shabby chic bathroom decorations are all clean and adorable. Make me feel like I'm a Queen!! I scrubbed and disinfected the tub like a mad women! I wonder if it's bath safe??? Well, I'm off to clean the rest and hopefully do some more cleaning!!

*edit* Update
I finished the bathroom and it just feels peachy keen! I might even consider taking a bubble bath!!! I just loovvvvee when all my perfumes and precious treasures are dusted...they truly sparkle! God, how could you not want to be a girl!!I just keep looking at my new purchases...adoring them and admiring myself for finding such fab deals! I want to make some adorable "purse candy" for my new tote!!

I'm a naughty girl...I had some vodka and apple juice...oppsies..teehhee! Don't fret I'm in total control...I have to much to prove to everyone :/ and myself.

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